  • Insurance
  • Case Study



Biometric signatures and notifications in Blockchain: Helvetia Seguros' digital evidence. With MEE the Cyber Notary Helvetia wants to implement document firma and electronic notifications through certified emails and certified SMS in its processes. 

The history

The challenge

With MEE the Cyber Notary Helvetia wants to implement document firmation and electronic notifications through certified emails and certified SMS in its processes. Helvetia, thanks to its agreement with Wise Security Global, has implemented biometrics in the firma of its policies as well as certified notifications to policyholders and mediators, adding Blockchain as an additional layer of security.

The objectives:

  • Improve the firma ratio of policyholders.
  • Boosting an innovative image. Implementation of multichannel solutions: and multi-device with the use of digital certificates and voice biometrics .
  • Increased security in the management of firmed documents.
  • Saving and eliminating costs in management processes and increasing legal assurance.
  • Decreased execution times and monitoring of the company's processes.
  • Improved user, customer and mediator experience and social image.

The benefits

Helvetia solves the actual firming of documents by both parties (a historical problem in the sector); it shortens the time and effort in contracting management, and digitally archives its clients' documentation.

The solution

This firma process begins both from the Helvetia Seguros website and through one of the mediators:

  • Phase 1: Through MEE, the insurer sends the applicant via email or SMS a PDF contract with the company's digital firm.
  • Phase 2: The applicant opens it on his computer, tablet or cell phone and accepts the conditions with a click.
  • Phase 3.1: The notification reaches the recipient. The notification reaches the applicant and you have proof that it has been sent, received and read.
  • Phase 3.2: Document with each evidence of status: sent, received and read. MEE generates a minute with all the evidence collected in the sending process and updates with each new status reached.
  • Phase 4: Blockchain technology is an additional layer of security. Mee uses Blockchain technology to provide an extra layer of security to the minutes generated from the notifications sent.
  • Phase 5: Biometric signature. There, they can electronically firm the documentation using voice biometrics, manually or by digital certificate and send it back to Helvetia. As an anti-fraud measure, the firm is two-step.
  • Phase 6: Wise acts as a trusted third party and keeps all documents securely and indefinitely. Thanks to electronic proof, these documents will have probative value in the event of an incident, supporting the legitimacy of the contract to the benefit of both signatories.

"With the classic method, many policies remained unfirmed with the legal risk involved for both parties. Now, customers can take out or renew insurance through a digital firm in a very simple and agile process, and which guarantees the authenticity and legality of the contract. This substantially improves the security of our customers from the very first moment of their relationship with Helvetia." Victor Tomas Lizarraga, Director of Strategy and Digital Transformation of Helvetia.